Why This Project

Tsisnaasjini' is the Navajo name for Mount Blanca. Also known as the Sacred Mountain of the East, Blanca is one of the four directional mountains that mark the boundaries of the Navajo Nation.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011


Maybe it's a sign that you've had too much solitude when you start naming inanimate objects. It's not just a matter of personifying them -- you start to seek them out, to rely on their reassuring, silent presence. These old wooden fence posts belonged to a ranch that no longer exists; the ranchers and their livestock have long since vanished, but the posts remain.

I call the post on the left "The Widow." The soft, silvered wood reminds me of a widow's shoulders, curved in quiet defense of her grief. I say a silent hello to the Widow whenever I drive by. She acknowledges me, and I acknowledge her.

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